Monday, December 28, 2009

How it all started.

I don't know what unknown mystical force possessed me to start up a blog, but it did and I am here telling you that. Let me introduce myself. My real name is Jhordan and I am a seventeen year old college freshman with a knack for writing stories. When I was in high school, I had a choice to be a slut, a drug user, or alcoholic, so I choose writing -- that's my addiction. I didn't start writing in high school though. The first time I ever wrote a story was an Inuyasha fanfic, in which my main character was in love with icy Sesshoumaru -- that was in the fifth grade mind you. Ever since, writing stuck to me like glue.

Now years later, here I am trying to get my foot into the world of publishing: that's my ultimate dream and goal. This blog will record how I will get there.

At the moment, I have two pieces that I am bouncing in between.
Moonshine and Picture Perfect. Moonshine is a urban fantasy YA revolving werewolves with a different look as to how they came into exist and what their true purpose is on Earth, while Picture Perfect is a dark, realistic YA about a teen girl living amongst the elite crowd of Atlanta who is spiraling down a path to self-destruction to gather the attention of her father ... even if it means shattering his picture perfect reputation.

Not too long ago I joined Absolute Write and their wacky members in which their
crazy acronyms grew on me, but they have this thing called Teaser Tuesday where you post a teaser on your blog. Tomorrow is Tuesday, so I will post my teaser then.
